Our VC friends behind Japan’s AI Tech Leaders Summit will return next week for another mini-European scouting tour. They’re looking for investment opportunities in advanced technology areas such as deep learning, machine learning, robotics, and RPA in particular.
There remains some space open at the informal meetups as follows [updated]:
- London: fully booked
- Berlin: fully booked
- Paris: Thursday 22-Feb 18.00. 2 spots left.
Any startups working on AI projects are free to join these meetups, space-permitting. If interested, send an email to aitl@rude.vc with a short description of your venture.
Prospective investments are also invited to the semi-annual AI Summit in Tokyo where they will have an opportunity to mingle with world-renowned AI researchers and corporate innovation departments looking for partners or acquisitions. Corporates include: Denso, IBM, Line, Lite-On, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Persol, Rakuten, Razer, Samsung, Tencent, Tepco, and Yahoo among others. These summits are privileged opportunities for startups interested in developing relationships with potential future acquirers in Asia.