Thank you to all the readers who alerted me to the recurrent technical difficulties on this site over the past few weeks. At root was a planned website migration into an upgraded hosting infrastructure, which became indispensable as traffic on this site had grown to unwieldy levels. Even the best laid plans go awry, however. Just when one problem was fixed, another appeared.
Good news: Everything seems to be resolved now. Sorry for the frustration and thank you, dear readers, for your patience !
Shout out to the tech support engineer at Bluehost for his perseverance in solving a problem whose origin still eludes me. He definitely deserves a medal for his heroics, even while his company was somewhat responsible for the snafu.
Also, maximum respect to the fine folks over at ServMask. I used their WordPress plugin to migrate my site. The plugin worked exactly as advertised, though php compatibility issues required modifying some scripts which surpassed my laughably limited coding expertise. Even though this particular challenge had nothing to do with their plugin, the ServMask team rose far and above the normal call of duty and debugged the issue for me. Deep bow to them !