I have to confess that I find this phenomenon of crypto-enabled decentralized prediction markets for the U.S. election intellectually fascinating. I recall watching an episode of a science fiction show as a kid in which citizens of some dystopian nation state would vote online in real-time to political speeches. The politicians would adjust their discourse […]
Conventional wisdom of asset allocation held for decades that a balanced 60/40 portfolio (equities/bonds) would provide investors with a relatively safe and straightforward way to diversity their holdings and enjoy healthy returns with low volatility. The pandemic, however, decoupled the link between economic growth and inflation, reducing bonds’ ability to soften losses in stocks and […]
I couldn’t help but plow through Richard Katz’s latest book, The Contest for Japan’s Economic Future. For Japanophiles and generally anyone curious about business in Japan, or the dynamics of burgeoning innovation ecosystems globally, I highly recommend this book, and not just because Katz cites me in his hopeful conclusion. Vacillating between feeling both tepid […]
“Right now, early stage venture in Japan represents the most compelling opportunity for asymmetric upside of any asset class worldwide. It’s a unique moment in time.”
I followed with fascination the recent parliamentary elections in Pakistan this month. Candidates backed by Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, or PTI, won 99 seats, the most of any party. The strong showing in and of itself was not necessarily a surprise. Khan, a former cricket star turned Islamist politician with a significant grassroots following, […]
Tip of the cap to Bitwise. Last month following the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s approval of its spot Bitcoin ETF, the asset management firm disclosed its bitcoin wallet address publicly. This sets a new threshold for transparency in financial markets. The Bitcoin holdings in Bitwise’s Bitcoin spot ETF (ticker: BITB) can now be viewed […]
I found this clip about bringing electricity to remote parts of Africa inspiring and thought that you might too. It is an extract from an upcoming film by Bitcoin Shooter.
フランスは、世界で最も活気のあるスタートアップのエコシステムを維持するという野心を縮小させる気配はない。先週パリで開催された VivaTech カンファレンスで、フランスのマクロン大統領は、TIBI の延長を発表した。このイニシアチブは、金融機関のパートナーに60億米ドルを VC 資金に振り向けるよう促すことによって、3年間でフランスのスタートアップに300億米ドルの資金を供給することに成功した。 金融機関がアンカー LP として VC ファンドを支援すると、好循環の乗数効果が発生し、VC ファンドは他の LP からより多くの資金を調達することができるようになる。TIBI の延長により、このような政府系パートナー機関からフランスの VC ファンドに、特にアーリーステージのベンチャーファンドに重点を置く形で、さらに70億ドルの資金が供給される予定だ。 偶然なのか、それとも直接のインスピレーションなのか、ゆうちょ銀行は今日、「スタートアップをユニコーンにする」ための同レベルの資金提供を日本で発表したばかりだ。そこで、フランスがどのようにして36のユニコーンを生み出したのか、検証する好機だと思う。
Happy Golden Week to everyone in Japan who customarily takes a break during this annual holiday week: students, government officials, employees of most companies… oh and of course the Japan Post Bank ATMs 🙂
Nearly six years have elapsed since Annie and I wrote Japan Bitcoin #1. Way back in 2017, Japan accounted for more than 50% of bitcoin trading worldwide. As we all know, this phenomenon proved transitory. In our book we described the myriad of factors contributing to Japan’s bitcoin volume, among which was the learning experience […]
Today I prompted CatGPT to provide me a recipe of renown chef Joël Robuchon’s signature dish of pommes purée. Here’s the result:
I’ve been ruminating on how Web3 could potentially transform gig economy businesses — e.g. Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, Upwork, Taskrabbit, Fiverr, etc. — and whether applying token economics to these activities would even make sense. Two encounters over the past week have persuaded me that a decentralized model could address some of the failings of these […]