'technology' Category

  • France’s tech incubators and accelerators [infographic]

    December 14, 2016

    In complement to my post last week about Station F, which proclaims to not be an incubator but rather a ‘startup campus’, I figured it would be helpful to publish an infographic of the numerous incubator/accelerator options for startups in France. If the chart below appears cluttered, that’s because tech incubators/accelerators are beyond the saturation […]

  • FB Messenger Instant Games: A new era of friendly play (except for iOS/Android)

    November 30, 2016

    Quick primer for the millenials in the audience who weren’t yet born: computing used to be performed by these (relatively) powerful, monstrous machines called mainframes. Mainframes were programmed and accessed via dumb terminals which resembled not much more than a keyboard, screen, and wired connection to the mainframe, kind of like on those portrayed on […]

  • Instant speculation abounds with FB Messenger’s Instant Games

    November 6, 2016

    Subscription media service The Information broke a story on Friday about Facebook Messenger allegedly planning to integrate HTML5 games into their platform, enabling users to play “Instant Games” directly in their chat feed.  Assuming the reports are accurate, I find this development quite interesting for a number of reasons. First, this represents further confirmation that the […]

  • The no-item-left-behind app

    November 5, 2016

    People that know me know I’m rarely caught without my sunglasses (combination of light-sensitive eyes and a genetically Californian expectation of daily sunshine). That’s why I’m often found with a pair of shades resting on my greying hairline, even at the risk of breaching protocol in business meetings (hey, I recall a guy who would […]

  • Free tech conference ticket

    October 30, 2016

    For those who are interested in playing… Nearest guess on the location of this photo will go on my list for a complimentary ticket at a tech conference TBD (e.g. Slush, Web Summit, Next Web, VivaTech, etc.). Send any guesses via DM to me on Twitter, no later than Beaujolais Nouveau Day 2016.

  • Pepper Salé: Lessons from the bitter Aldebaran / SoftBank project

    October 29, 2016

    Bloomberg published an article yesterday on the failed Pepper program, the emotionally intelligent robot originally developed by French company Aldebaran Robotics which was largely acquired in 2012 by Japan’s SoftBank for approximately $100 million. The demise of Pepper has long been rumored (in fact The Rude Baguette originally broke the story nearly two years ago), […]

  • One last cheeky summer riddle

    September 3, 2016

    As summer winds to a close, here’s one last cheeky brain teaser. What do the following entities have in common? Here’s a more blatant clue:

  • Dash Camp Automne 2016 à Sapporo

    August 28, 2016

    Dash Camp est de retour ! Compte tenu du succés de l’implication d’une délégation #FrenchTech à sa dernière édition, on m’a accordé des places à nouveau pour le prochain évènement: le 17, 18 octobre à Sapporo, Japon. Pour rappeler, Dash Camp représente le sommet de référence en Asie qui facilite les échanges entre les entrepreneurs […]

  • Perceptions on the Brexit vote

    August 23, 2016

    Interesting graph from the FT this month. Could it be that France sees something that the rest of Europe overlooks ?

  • Brexit not our problem? Think again.

    June 27, 2016

    I received a few intriguing comments on Friday’s fretful post about the worrisome consequences of Brexit for Europe’s innovation ecosystem. One person affiliated with LaFrenchTech believes England’s departure from the EU will prove a boon to France’s tech scene. Another purported that Paris will now become the Continent’s rightful hub of Fintech. I hope such […]

  • Slush Asia 2016

    April 27, 2016

    I’ve written before about how European startups should consider prioritizing Asia (even before the U.S.) in their global expansion. Many overlooked Asian countries – particularly Japan and South East Asia – represent open fields of opportunity, either for customer expansion or revenue enhancement. They also represent fertile ground for innovation, which can close the feedback […]

  • Mobile Gaming: Is it Gotcha time for Gacha ?

    April 16, 2016

    Four years ago almost exactly to the day, I mused about this period of disruption and renewal signified by sakura (cherry blossoms). The blooming of the sakura in Japan marks the arrival of spring, representing not only a renewal of the seasons but also a rebirth of many facets of life: the start of a […]