Here’s a handy flowchart from the BBC explaining the current Brexit scenarios. (Tip of the cap to Alastair for sending this to me !)
There’s much buzz abound about films, as is typical around this time of year. The Golden Globes awards took place earlier this month. The Oscars are right around the corner. And this week are the Screen Actors Guild awards, also focused on Hollywood hits, as well as the Sundance Film Festival, focused on new independent […]
Thank you to all the readers who alerted me to the recurrent technical difficulties on this site over the past few weeks. At root was a planned website migration into an upgraded hosting infrastructure, which became indispensable as traffic on this site had grown to unwieldy levels. Even the best laid plans go awry, however. […]
A year ago I played Buy, Sell, or Hold on a trip home to Silicon Valley (the logic being that not all but many global trends start in California). The post proved so popular that I decided to play the game again last week. (For those not familiar with the game: Buy, Sell, or Hold? […]
Ok it’s August holiday period so why not a little fun joining in Twitter’s #FirstSeven meme. Here are my first seven… #FirstSevenJobs Paperboy: SF Chronicle and SJ Mercury News Dishwasher at a convalescent home Grocery bagger at Nob Hill Foods Stock clerk and Cashier at Toys-R-Us Manufacturing floor gopher at Raychem Reggae DJ: 89.3 FM […]
As long-time readers of my blog know, around this time every year I publish a short list of summer reading recommendations. Here are my picks for the summer of ’16.
It appears that Mr. Currency Market turned conventional wisdom on its head in reaction to the Bank of Japan’s announcement on Jan.29th to adopt negative interest rates. And here I was taught that reducing central bank interest rates should weaken the currency…
Many of these could pass for satire but I’m pretty certain their authors intended them in full seriousness. Great idea, very similar to what I advocated in my TED talk last year Flattered to be quoted alongside Peter Thiel in this TechCrunch article Could barely keep up with Chris McCormack in my first Ironman Still […]
These acts of terrorism in Paris have me shocked, sickened, and I admit it, scared at times. Never before have I felt such intense patriotism for my adopted country. The last thing I’m qualified to give is any kind of certainty on how to process these tragic events. I’m even skeptical of diagnoses and prescriptions […]
I spent a fair bit of my childhood in a very comfortable expatriate life overseas, but once I entered the workforce I never really felt inclined to become a proper expat in the original sense of the term. Growing up as an expat kid couldn’t be more cozy. Generally, the parent’s multinational company, at least […]
With summer drawing to a close, it seems appropriate to revisit our little thought experiment about time travel. The responses from readers proved both entertaining and inspiring, even a bit emotionally touching in some cases. Before I report on the reader feedback, however, I’ll explain my rationale in suggesting this exercise. As I’ve proselytized before, […]
I feel like a kid in a candy store. My personalized sticker packs have been officially released by LINE on its messaging platform! I would like to publicly thank the artiste extraordinaire, codename Julien Penguin, for designing these loveable characters: Dr.Atom & Quark, and the Safari Triathlon Team. Regular users of LINE will understand my […]