'venture capital' Category

  • A few more predictions for 2017

    January 7, 2017

    I sincerely appreciated all the positive feedback on publishing my past predictions scorecard as well as on this collection of 2017 predictions from an exclusive all-women cast of investors. Thank you. Some readers also prodded me to stake out my own set of tech forecasts for the year ahead. While I contend that the best […]

  • Forecasts for 2017 from Five Insightful Investors

    December 28, 2016

    With the first full year of Brexit implementation, French elections, the inauguration of President-elect Trump, and a start to the baseball season with the Cubs as the reigning world champs, the world could not feel more unpredictable. In 2017, entropy feels more palpable than ever before. ‘Tis therefore the season to invite some of my […]

  • Giving thanks for 2016

    December 20, 2016

    Around this time every year I make a habit to reflect on the countless benefits in my professional life for which I am thankful. Out-ranking these items are a multitude of blessings on the personal side, but I’ll restrict this list to the business ones. 2016 proved a tumultuous year on the geopolitical front, making […]

  • France’s tech incubators and accelerators [infographic]

    December 14, 2016

    In complement to my post last week about Station F, which proclaims to not be an incubator but rather a ‘startup campus’, I figured it would be helpful to publish an infographic of the numerous incubator/accelerator options for startups in France. If the chart below appears cluttered, that’s because tech incubators/accelerators are beyond the saturation […]

  • Station F now accepting applications

    December 9, 2016

    Last summer I publicly weighed in — part tongue-in-cheek without being asked but part seriously — on what I thought Station F’s big hairy audacious goal should be: namely, become the startup hub of Europe. Calling itself the world’s largest startup campus (love the ambition), Station F is now accepting applications from startups worldwide. This […]

  • Dash Camp Japan 2017

    December 4, 2016

    Pour la quatrième année consécutive, on m’a accordé des places pour inviter une délégation française de 3 startups privilégiées au prestigieux Dash Camp au Japon. Dash Camp représente la conférence de référence en Asie qui facilite les échanges entre les entrepreneurs innovants et les dirigeants des grands groupes tech japonais. Elle est pertinente pour ceux […]

  • Sumo in Kyushu: the lesson of killer instinct

    November 26, 2016

    Yokozuna Kakuryu clinched the sumo year’s final Emperor Cup tournament in Fukuoka today. Despite high hopes that previous winner ozeki Goeido could pull off a repeat and thus secure his promotion to yokozuna (grand champion), this November championship sizzled in other, unexpected ways. Just as Goeido’s championship last time highlighted the importance of consistency for […]

  • Job opportunity: HTML5ゲーム会社

    November 22, 2016

    HTML5のゲームを扱っています。現在、広告営業のビデオ、リワード動画広告、ディスプレイ広告の担当者を探しています。本社がアムステルダムに位置するので、柔軟な勤務が求められます。日本語はもちろん、英語での業務が必要となります。 会社情報 HTML5ゲーム会社、日本子会社あり。 Yahoo! Japanとパートナー 日本のみで12万5千のデイリーアクティブユーザーと毎月1億個の広告インプレッション 常勤 広告営業のビデオ、リワード動画広告、ディスプレイ広告を探しています 募集情報 (オンライン/モバイル)広告業界での経験あり 結果主義/目標達成に対しての責任感をしっかりと持つ、直属の上司による指導なしに業務をこなせる 広告代理店との協業、アドネットワークを使っての業務が求められる 母国語が日本語であり、業務上支障ないレベルの英語力 在宅ワークあるいは渋谷のオフィスにて独立して働ける HQが位置するアムステルダムとのコミュニケーションを考慮しての柔軟な勤務時間 Inquiries: feel free to contact me by email.

  • Choosing a name for your startup: Do’s and Don’ts

    November 17, 2016

    A year ago I wrote about French startup naming blunders and promised a follow up piece with constructive advice. I applaud non-English speaking entrepreneurs for bravely choosing international names when branding their companies and products. After all, English (or more specifically: broken English) is the most common business language globally. I do not mock language […]

  • Bureaucratic Blunder: Backtracking on the Loi Macron for startups

    October 21, 2016

    As Gilda Radner on Saturday Night Live used to say, “It’s alwaaaayyyys somethin’.” Or for you millenials in the audience, “Here we go again.” (Kanye West). [We Gen Xers usually reach for Homer Simpson in these instances]. Hey French legislators, you’ve got to be kidding me. After the praise we heaped on you for implementing […]

  • Free, unsolicited advice for Station F: France’s future startup campus

    October 13, 2016

    “You get what you pay for,” is a good adage to bear in mind whenever I proffer free advice, and this time is no exception. The beneficiary of my dubious and wholly unsolicited advice is Station F: France’s planned startup campus set in a former freight station in Paris’ 13th arrondissement, due to open next […]

  • Our sweet spot reloaded

    October 9, 2016

    Years ago someone gave me the moniker of “Rude VC” because I had a reputation for giving curt (ok, sometimes rude) feedback to investment opportunities which we’ve chosen to decline. The moniker stuck, partly because I espouse the idea of being direct and transparent to entrepreneurs. Time is an entrepreneur’s most precious asset, so why […]