This blog is admittedly a small fry, but principles matter. And based on principle and in a show of solidarity with popular websites like Reddit, Minecraft, Craigslist, Wikipedia, and A VC, this blog will join them in going lights out tomorrow in protest of the SOPA legislation currently pending in congress.
For more rationale, see: Why SOPA must be stopped
JBradley wrote:
Yet another gross overreaction the good ole US gov’t. All congress seems to do these days is come up with unwieldy, complicated legislation that creates more problems than it solves. Perhaps this is why their approval rating is 13%.
And besides, why in the heck are the republicans supporting this? I thought they were all for small government… this legislation is pretty Big Government to me! Also, aren’t the main advocates for this bill entertainment cos (i.e. music and film industry, traditional media outlets). Aren’t they, with the exception of Nashville of course, liberal enemy #1 of Republicans? Talk about lack of consistency! Guess $$ from those deep-pocketed lobbyists is more important than principle for these guys…
Link | January 19th, 2012 at 17:29