Eighteen months ago I wrote about how bullish I was for venture investment in Japan’s fintech sector. Since then, a proliferation of new fintech startups have emerged, in parallel with Japanese VCs becoming much more active.
An investor friend of mine even joked that we might now be approaching “peak fintech” here. He said this because today kicks off a two-week period with a plethora of fintech conferences taking place in Tokyo. First up this week is FinSum, organized by Nikkei, the FSA (Japan’s Financial Services Authority), and the FAJ (the Fintech Association of Japan). Then on September 26th, Net Service Ventures is holding the FinTech Forum. Finally, capping off the month will be Rakuten’s Fintech conference on the 28th.
So in the spirit of peak fintech, here is the Rudescape™ of Japan’s fintech startups we’re currently tracking (special thanks to Adelson Goncalves for designing this infographic).