The 2019 natsu basho sumo tournament ending yesterday showcased some new faces, resuscitated some old champs, and generated a bit of controversy.
Relatively far down in the banzuke standings at Maegashira #8, 25 year-old Asanoyama from the Takasago beya won the yusho Emperor’s Cup yesterday. This represents the first time a “rank-and-filer” as they’re known has won a championship since 1961. Asanoyama was a relatively unknown rikishi until today, and despite a particularly controversial decision in his bout against Tochinoshin, it’s nice to see a young, fresh face burst onto the scene. Well done Asanoyama !
Also pleasant to see in this tournament were the strong 10-win performances of both Tochinoshin and Tamawashi, both previous yusho champions. The 10-win record for Tochinoshin proved especially significant because it enabled the rikishi from Georgia to return to his previous Ozeki status. Yes, Tochinoshin is right back up where he belongs, at sumo’s highest rank.