'Asia' Tag

  • Playing nice when capital is abundant

    January 25, 2019

    I bet you wish you never burned that bridge (oh nooooo, ‘cause now you’d like to cross it) — Shaggy alongside Chronixx There is loads of VC money sloshing around the startup ecosystem these days. if you need proof, the recent reports from both CB Insights and Crunchbase bear this out. With just over 34,000 […]

  • Why Asian startups should prioritize Europe

    November 17, 2014

    In my travels for work I’ve had the honor to meet hundreds of inspiring entrepreneurs from all over the world. Setting aside China, and in a gross over-simplification, domestic markets in East Asia could be characterized as either i) mature or ii) emerging (Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, in the former; the rest of Southeast […]