Various topics have been tumbling around my brain about which to write in this last post of 2013 on France’s startup ecosystem. There’s the alarming passage of a wide-reaching French surveillance law, or yet another French fiscal flap like the Eckert proposal, and of course the depressing pronouncements by Arnaud Montebourg at LeWeb last week. […]
You live by your tools, as the old saying goes. Of course, the corollary says that you can also die by your tools (MS Outlook comes to mind…). It’s a rare occasion that I find such a productivity enhancer that I adopt it for regular use. In the spirit of this past Sunday’s fête nationale, […]
As I have crowed many times in this space before, Japan is demonstrating renewed energy and enthusiasm in the tech sector. Mobile gaming giants like Gree and DeNA, explosive social networks like Line, and e-commerce leaders like Rakuten, are inspiring success stories for France which recently began venturing abroad. Now Japan’s overall economy seems to […]