'BoJ' Tag

  • Oracle out of Omaha

    April 14, 2023

    Some friends and I engaged in some good-natured, pseudo-intellectual speculation over breakfast this morning about Warren Buffett’s uncharacteristic departure from Omaha to visit Tokyo this week. For Friday fun, I’ve dropped a hash (SHA-256) on my personal prediction: 4dd82065ebda5f6938eabe494f4c546324d4b2ffc05a27ac0cba18fd5dab971c

  • BOJ vs BOJ

    March 9, 2023

    In the ongoing rivalry for most entertaining BOJ (purely imagined by me), I have a feeling that over the next few months, BOJ Tokyo will dethrone reigning champion BOJ Kingston (’nuff respect Bank of Jamaica, you will forever, forever wear a crown, but big tings a gwaan in Japan right now). For context, Japan is […]

  • 日本におけるプライベートエクイティは最悪の事態?

    July 18, 2022

    先月、私は VC(ベンチャーキャピタル)業界の人間でありPE(プライベートエクイティ)業界の人間ではないので、プライベートエクイティについて論評する場合、読者は私の言葉を冷静に受け止めてくれるはずである。私は、日本の現場で、ある現象を観察しており、それを共有することが重要だと考えている。

  • Private equity in Japan: a perfect storm ?

    July 4, 2022

    I’m a VC guy not a PE guy, so when I start opining about private equity, readers should grant my words a tepid reception. Yet I am observing a phenomenon here on the ground in Japan that I thought might be relevant to share. Let’s start with recapping the current macroeconomic backdrop, a context upon […]