'Brexit' Tag

  • Brexit in boxes

    March 14, 2019

    Here’s a handy flowchart from the BBC explaining the current Brexit scenarios. (Tip of the cap to Alastair for sending this to me !)

  • Perceptions of Brexit on the other side of the world

    March 3, 2019

    Although I don’t believe to be directly affected by this shambles referred to as Brexit, I am concerned about it. Despite occasionally taking the piss out of my British friends, I am preoccupied by Brexit because on a regular basis I bear witness to its adverse impact on the UK’s perception abroad. For reasons I have […]

  • Blockchain for brexit boasts

    February 8, 2019

    Back in 2017 I suggested applying immutable blockchain technology to tracking the bitcoin price forecasts from the plethora of self-annointed pundits. In this same spirit of entertainment, here’s another suggestion for blockchain I wish had occurred to me: Log all the promises of the various UK politicians and talking heads about the benefits of Brexit […]

  • Perceptions on the Brexit vote

    August 23, 2016

    Interesting graph from the FT this month. Could it be that France sees something that the rest of Europe overlooks ?

  • Brexit not our problem? Think again.

    June 27, 2016

    I received a few intriguing comments on Friday’s fretful post about the worrisome consequences of Brexit for Europe’s innovation ecosystem. One person affiliated with LaFrenchTech believes England’s departure from the EU will prove a boon to France’s tech scene. Another purported that Paris will now become the Continent’s rightful hub of Fintech. I hope such […]

  • What will Brexit mean for Europe’s tech ecosystem ?

    June 24, 2016

    Like much of the rest of Europe, I woke up this morning to the shocker that Britons voted to leave the European Union. Although I still believe that venture investing is more about the micro than the macro, I admit that I’m nervous about the fallout Brexit may have, both on my European venture portfolio, […]