'dassault systemes' Tag

  • Selling early

    July 17, 2012

    Remember Digg ? Less than six months after radical innovator NetVibes caved in to Dassault Systèmes for 20m€ and almost five years to the exact day after navigation firm Webraska lost its way into the arms of Sanef, the social news sharing site Digg was sold to Betaworks for a reported $500k. This sum represents […]

  • The french google

    June 11, 2010

    Remember Chirac’s initiative that was met with rancorous laughter to launch a government-backed French Google competitor? That adventure, dubbed Quaero at the time and today known as Exalead, received 19M€ in tax-payer subsidies.  I think it was written off by most of the investment community as a classic subsidized zombie company since the venture never […]