'design' Tag

  • Tech Designers: Hurry over to London by July 10

    June 25, 2013

    No, this is not an encouragement to would-be fiscal exiles or pigeons. Nor do I have any specific conference or startup networking event in mind as I write this. In fact, the reason has nothing to do with tech, at least not in a directly obvious way. It’s about an art exhibition. Specifically, Shiro Kuramata, […]

  • Silicon Valley’s secret sauce

    March 19, 2013

    Over the past few weeks in this space, inspired by Fleur Pellerin’s current government initiative to replicate Silicon Valley, I’ve recapped some of the history of the region and reconsidered the wisdom of attempts to reproduce the Silicon Valley model elsewhere. I submit that trying to imitate Silicon Valley is futile. However, France’s government and […]