'immigration' Tag

  • Europe to entrepreneurs worldwide: You are welcome here

    July 1, 2020

    Long-time readers of this blog know that two recurring themes that I often harp on about are Silicon Valley No Longer Has A Monopoly On Innovation, and Immigrants Often Make The Best Entrepreneurs. So whenever I see data which reinforces these convictions, I have a tendency to amplify it. While the US government relentlessly tightens […]

  • Silicon Valley’s secret sauce

    March 19, 2013

    Over the past few weeks in this space, inspired by Fleur Pellerin’s current government initiative to replicate Silicon Valley, I’ve recapped some of the history of the region and reconsidered the wisdom of attempts to reproduce the Silicon Valley model elsewhere. I submit that trying to imitate Silicon Valley is futile. However, France’s government and […]

  • Los Suns

    May 5, 2010

    I’ve written before about the entrepreneurial virtues of open immigration and its role in spurring innovation and ultimately job creation. Accordingly, I was pleasantly surprised to learn of yesterday’s decision by Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver, General Manager Steve Kerr, and the entire Phoenix Suns basketball team to wear « Los Suns » jerseys for […]

  • Immigration boosts entrepreneurship

    March 26, 2010

    Despite his occasional bout of annoying repetitiveness (the world is flat : i got the point, no need for 600 pages), Thomas Friedman produces some inspirational columns, and this week’s on the Intel Science Talent Search is no exception in my humble opinion. Friedman’s column triggered my thinking about the importance of immigration in building […]