'irr' Tag

  • VC math

    March 13, 2024

    Before embarking on a fundraising journey from VC, every founder should first reflect on whether venture capital funding is appropriate for their company. Financial backing from a VC firm, especially if it’s a good one, can provide potentially heroic benefits to a startup. However, depending on a founder’s level of ambition and personal motivation, VC […]

  • Venture Capital: Why AUM is the wrong metric

    November 29, 2021

    There’s an old dig that venture capitalists like to make about private equity professionals: private equity folks boast about the size of their ego in AUM, whereas VCs know that what really matters is their IRR. Now let’s define these three-letter words. First, I’m using the word ego as a euphemism here to be gender […]

  • Too big to care

    June 22, 2010

    There is a subtle but insidious trend burgeoning within France’s private equity industry. This trend is a shift in fund objectives from a “capital gains generation” model towards a “fee generation” model. In other words, the financial benefits accruing to private equity GP’s are increasingly coming more from management fees than from carried interest. As […]