This week I noticed three noteworthy new startup fundraisings in France. Memo Bank (a small business bank), Jumbo Privacy (a consumer privacy and security app), and Swile (meal payment cards). Other than announcing significant VC rounds in the same week, what do these French startups have in common? All are created by serial entrepreneurs Memo […]
I recall how when I first moved permanently to Paris over 16 years ago, finding people in the office during the month of August was highly unusual. It seemed that after the long weekend of July 14th, one couldn’t count on scheduling a meeting again before September 1st. This shutdown extended to the startup sector […]
Dash Camp est de retour ! Compte tenu du succés de l’implication d’une délégation #FrenchTech à sa dernière édition, on m’a accordé des places à nouveau pour le prochain évènement: le 17, 18 octobre à Sapporo, Japon. Pour rappeler, Dash Camp représente le sommet de référence en Asie qui facilite les échanges entre les entrepreneurs […]
The debate on the value of holding country pavilions at large tech conferences has merit. Whatever your views on the topic may be, France was conspicuously absent from this week’s Games Developers Conference in San Francisco. Germany, Italy, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, even Wallonia (Wallonia!) all hosted large structures at the conference, and […]
Pour la troisième année consécutive, on m’a accordé des places pour amener une délégation française de 5 startups privilégiées au prestigieux Dash Camp au Japon. Dash Camp représente la conférence de référence en Asie qui facilite les échanges entre les entrepreneurs innovants et les dirigeants des grands groupes tech japonais. Elle est pertinente pour ceux […]
[credits: Junjie Peng for the artwork; the French taxi union for the motivation; the French government for the inspiration]
Here are my five takeaways from the Mobile World Congress 2015. Read these for a day 1, 2, 3 recap of the Congress. With nearly 100 thousand delegates, MWC is undisputably the world’s largest mobile conference and a can’t-miss event… unless you’re into innovation, then go to 4YFN, which takes place the same week (props […]