'mobile web' Tag

  • KO for the mobile web ?

    April 15, 2014

    In a widely circulated piece last week entitled The Decline of the Mobile Web, Chris Dixon touches on a fashionable debate that suggests that the mobile web is in, well, decline, at the hands of the new walled gardens known as the app stores. In other words, that universal cycle of life that has been […]

  • The death of the mobile web greatly exaggerated ?

    October 16, 2010

    Reminiscent of the debates of the waxing and waning of the ideal size of the client (as in client/server) during the 1990s, the mobile apps vs. mobile web debate seems equally sinusoidal. For those millennials who were too young to remember, the client/server revolution taught us the virtues of transforming the all-powerful mainframes combined with […]