Over the weekend I had the pleasure of reading France Digitale’s whitepaper “Pour une France compétitive et créatrice d’emplois.” I say pleasure, because I really did enjoy reading the organization’s pragmatic proposal of four concrete measures to include in the upcoming Loi des Finances 2013. For those who are not familiar, France Digitale is a […]
{The following is merely a tongue-in-cheek attempt at an imaginary letter I could write to President François Hollande. Its opinions are purely personal and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer or my industry.} Dear Mr. President, First off, thank you for opening my mail. If you’re reading this letter, you would be the […]
I’m not feeling very patriotic today. Part of my mood stems from the thought of today’s hearing by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on the Stop Online Piracy Act. The SOPA legislation currently winding its way through the U.S. congress would allow the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as copyright holders, to seek court […]